Climate change impacts such as seasonal variations, temperature fluctuations and extreme events will disproportionately impact different agro-climatic zones (ACZ) of the country. Climate vulnerability & risk assessments are important instruments to identify hotspot regions of climate change vulnerabilities and risks and to formulate appropriate adaptation measures.
The project titled ‘Climate Change Adaptation in Rural Areas of India (CCA RAI)’ is being implemented under the bilateral cooperation of MoEFCC and GIZ, which aims to integrate climate adaptation measures into the national and state development planning. It will also develop concrete pilot experiences on adaptation measures together with the Indian state (Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Tamil Nadu and Telanagana) development programmes and supports up-scaling of successful technical and financial adaptation approaches. In order to achieve this, the project has the following components:
✓ Capacity building at national level
✓ Climate change relevant model projects
✓ Support for accessing national and international climate finance
✓ Capacity Development at the state level and knowledge management
Climate change vulnerability and risks is an important tool for adaptation planning. Currently data/information on climate change vulnerability is scattered, not easily accessible, not analysed in the form of interactive spatial database and not linked with attributes. CCA-RAI project has developed a Climate Change information portal ( which is a one-stop window to climate related information focussing on climate change.
This web based climate information portal provides access to country data (India) related to climate change. The portal provide easy access to the state level vulnerability data and maps for use by different stakeholders for adaptation planning. It allows visual presentation of the climate change vulnerability information in a user-friendly interface, to enable planners and decision -makers to identify the hotpots and accordingly plan for adaptation to build resilience. One can query, map, compare, chart and summarize key climate and climate-related information. Climate Change profiles at State and District level provide quick information including mean, trend, change and extreme climate indices. Climate profiles are intended for practitioners to identify key climate related vulnerabilities and risks and further assist them to better integrate climate resilience in development planning and operations.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale zusammenarbeit (GIz) GmbH
For over 60 years, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale zusammenarbeit (GIz) GmbH has been working jointly with partners in India for sustainable economic, ecological, and social development. The thematic areas in which GIZ is working in India are Energy, Environment, Climate Change and Biodiversity, Sustainable Urban and Industrial Development and Sustainable Economic Development.
The Government of India has launched numerous important initiatives to address the country’s economic, environmental and social challenges, and GIZ is contributing to some of the most significant ones. For example, it supports key initiatives such as Smart Cities, Clean India, Preparation and operationalisation of action plan on climate change, Skill India etc. GIz, in close cooperation with Indian partners, devises tailor-made, jointly-developed solutions to meet local needs and achieve sustainable and inclusive development.
The project titled ‘Climate Change Adaptation in Rural Areas of India (CCA RAI)’ is being implemented under the bilateral cooperation of M/o Environment, Forest and Climate Change and GIZ, which aims to integrate climate adaptation measures into the national and state development planning through capacity development, generating pilot experiences on adaptation and knowledge management.
INRM Consultants Pvt Ltd
Integrated Natural Resources Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd., is a R&D based company set up under Technology Business Incubation Plan of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi by the faculty and alumnus of the institute in 2001.
The Company provides innovative customized solutions at the cutting edge of technology in the area of Natural Resource Management, Climate Change impact, Vulnerability and Risk assessment, GIS, Remote Sensing and Integrated Database Management.
The Company has highly qualified scientific manpower having long-term experience to provide the area specific solutions. These experts have innovative skills developed by virtue of carrying out research work in the area of water resources, hydrology, hydraulics, environment, agriculture and other allied areas.